Join Us
We are constantly recruiting new members for all our Choirs.
Training Choir ages 3 - 6
Middle Choir ages 6 - 9
Main Choir 9+.
For anyone is interested in joining the Choir, rehearsals take place at Oasis Academy Henderson Avenue, Scunthorpe on Friday evenings during school term. The Main Choir meet between 6.30 to 8.00 pm, Middle Choir 5.30-6.30 and Training Choir 5.30-6.00. If bringing a child to the Training Choir rehearsal we ask that, because of the age, an adult stays with the child during the session. Please email [email protected] for more information about joining, or send a message to your facebook page here. Alternatively, just come along on a Friday evening and introduce yourself.
Training Choir ages 3 - 6
Middle Choir ages 6 - 9
Main Choir 9+.
For anyone is interested in joining the Choir, rehearsals take place at Oasis Academy Henderson Avenue, Scunthorpe on Friday evenings during school term. The Main Choir meet between 6.30 to 8.00 pm, Middle Choir 5.30-6.30 and Training Choir 5.30-6.00. If bringing a child to the Training Choir rehearsal we ask that, because of the age, an adult stays with the child during the session. Please email [email protected] for more information about joining, or send a message to your facebook page here. Alternatively, just come along on a Friday evening and introduce yourself.
Subscriptions are to be paid termly in advance via BACS. Alternative methods and schedules of payment are available through discussions with the treasurer. Choristers joining mid-term will have the cost for that term scaled down appropriately.
Fees for Spring term 2023 are as follows:
Little Choir - (ages 3-6) 5.30 - 6.00 (£2.00 per week)
Training Choir - ( ages 6-9) 5.30 - 6.30 (£2.60 per week)
Main Choir - ( age 9/Year 5 +) 6.30 - 8.00 (£3.25 per week)
Little Choir
Monthly Standing Order (payable all 12 months) - £6.00
Termly - £24.00
Training Choir
Monthly Standing Order (payable all 12 months) - £8.00
Termly - £32.00
Main Choir
Monthly Standing Order (payable all 12 months) - £10.00
Termly - £40.00
Parents are only asked to ensure choristers attend regular rehearsals and make themselves available, wherever possible, for concerts. They are also asked to ensure choristers have the correct uniform which is simple and inexpensive. Subscriptions are used to pay for sets of music for the choir, hire of the rehearsal rooms and administrative costs in order to continue to provide for the Choirs.
All music and a folder are provided free of charge. We ask that choristers no longer wishing to be a member of the choir return their folder and music so this may be used by someone else.
The choir is proud of all its choristers and wishes for them to be both comfortable and smart when performing. The uniform is both simple and also smart. All three choirs wear distinctive waistcoats for performances (these are provided free). We ask choristers to wear the following simple accessories so that they may achieve the desired look:-
All choristers
Smart Black Trousers (school type only, no joggers, leggings or jeans)
White school type blouse or shirt (full length sleeves)
Black Socks
Plain black shoes (NO boots or trainers)
Hair is to be kept off the face